Friday, November 11, 2011

Brain Fried, Feet Tangled

This will be short.  I got such an early start yesterday (Thursday) that I didn't feel like touring in the afternoon.  The lesson was difficult because we were working on expanding my vocabulary and using various verb tenses. I had to read and translate an ecological story about a young boy and a parrot thief, then paraphrase it back to Alice.  Then I had to make up a story on the fly for her (a takeoff on the Rapunzel fairy tale).  She was really cracking the whip--I had to describe the story line of one of my favorite movies (Young Frankenstein).  Haven't quite finished that and of course I don't want to tell her the ending.

Then it was time for dance class.  Yikes!  Two dances, salsa and one from the Dominican Republic.  A professional dance teacher and a young male assistant were the instructors.  I had never tried Latin American dancing before so just learning some basic steps took up the whole class.  And my Keen Sandals didn't cooperate, they wanted to grip the tile of our makeshift dance floor.  But it was great to get started--good aerobic exercise, too--the hour class flew by!

Speaking of flying, that's what's happened to this week.  Today's the last day of class; after it ends at 11:15 I'll come back here for Lili and Alphonso.  I'll treat them to lunch in a nice restaurant then I'll head up into the mountains for a night at the Volcan Turrialba Lodge. The page takes a while to load.

Here are a couple of shots of the house and family.  The gates are common in nicer neighborhoods.  I've felt totally confident about leaving stuff around my room during class.

Lili and Alphonso have been such gracious hosts it's impossible to describe in a few words.  So here's a photo of them in the family room, Alphonso in his favorite position for watching the HD TV--they get cable here.  Pura vida!

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